ASBest A 7-Beryllium electron capture STudy for nuclear and solid state physics

The project won the MIUR call for funding program within the framework of "PRIN: PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE" –  2020 (Agreement TBC).

PI Prof. Lucio Gialanella


The ASBeST project aims to study the 7Be electron capture decay for the first time under controlled conditions by exploiting two novel approaches. On the one hand, measurements of the half-life of 7Be ions in different charge states will be performed using an intense 7Be ion beam and accelerator mass spectrometry techniques. On the other, the Stark effect in solids will be produced in Silicon Carbide (SiC) based electronic devices. The results will be used to determine with high precision the nuclear matrix elements of the weak interaction, that will be compared with the outcome of a fully microscopic calculation.

The project, due to its multidisciplinary nature, will be carried out thanks to the availability of skills and laboratories of high international qualification in the different Research Units (RUs):

RU1 - University of Campania, Department of Mathematics and Physics

RU2 - CNR IMM Bologna


RU4- University of Salerno, Department of Engineering

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